A few scenes from a walk on a perfectly clear day up Beinn a’Chochuill and Beinn Eunaich, two Munros east of Loch Etive in Argyll and Bute. We were lucky to have such good weather and enjoyed sensational views for miles, all the way to the Cuillins on Skye, the Paps of Jura, and Ben Nevis.
Distance: 13.5km / 8.5 miles
Time: 5.5 – 6.5 hours
Ascent: 1221m
Starting point grid ref: NN136287 (near Lochawe)
Selected photos from Beinn a’Chochuill and Beinn Eunaich
(as usual, Lucky featured prominently)

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Fancy a guided walk up these two Munros by an enthusiastic, open-minded, and fun Mountain Leader? Get in touch!
The route was inspired by Walkhighlands.
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