These pickled blackberries have become an autumn ritual with the autumn blackberry glut. The original recipe comes from All Good Things Around Us by Pamela Michael (copyright 1981), recommended to me by Tim from Homewood Cheeses. This book is a great source of inspiration for all kinds of “good things” found in the wild. Sick of sloe gin? How about sloe jelly or sloe syrup? It even explains how to make a walking stick with blackthorn and hazel! You can find used copies of this book on Amazon and eBay.
I’ve made this spiced blackberry pickle every year for the last three years. It’s my go-to for wild blackberries! They look and taste amazing with a cheeseboard. Or try them in a salad, with venison, or on top of ice cream. Go crazy! And happy foraging!
Spiced Pickled Blackberries

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