This sprouted buckwheat dehydrated granola (literally and figuratively a mouthful) might sound like hippy food – which it kind of is – but also happens to be super tasty and a great camping breakfast option for those who happen to be gluten free.
Despite containing the word “wheat”, buckwheat is a actually a seed, not a grain, much like quinoa and other “pseudo cereals”. You can “sprout” buckwheat like you can other seeds and pulses, which effectively makes them edible without cooking. This also retains various natural enzymes and other good stuff that would otherwise be destroyed during the cooking process.
I’m not gluten free, or a raw food fanatic, and I don’t think eating sprouted food is going to radically change your life or health as compared to other cooked healthy foods. But I do like to include this buckwheat granola in my breakfast rotation. It’s got great crunchy texture, plenty of flavour from the aromatic spices, and I really like the nuttiness of the sprouted buckwheat. It also seems to serve me well energy wise which is pretty important!
To serve, I typically mix up some water and dried milk powder and add some blueberries and/or banana (a bit of a treat on the trail but that’s the way I roll!). To keep it vegan you could use almond milk powder.
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